Stay Sharp: 4 Apps to Battle Mommy Brain
Do you suffer from mommy brain? While it’s a little-researched condition, I’ve finally figured out what causes this disease: A combination of years of sleep loss from middle-of-the-night feedings,...
View Article4 Apps For Dealing with Food Allergies
Having a family member with food allergies can add a whole new level of planning to shopping, food prep and eating out. From grabbing dinner on the road to finding suitable snacks for school lunches,...
View ArticleMother Zen: 3 Meditation Apps to Try
Let’s be honest: motherhood can be stressful. Between too little sleep and and too much caffeine, littles who want to be in constant physical contact with you, and bigs that are learning the art of the...
View ArticleFear Math No More with the Bedtime Math App
What do your kids think about math? Perhaps more importantly, what do YOU think about the subject? Some studies have shown that a parent’s view of math (“I’m so bad at math! “Oh I hated math in...
View ArticleDigital Clean Up: Organize Your Feeds & Inbox
A new year always inspires us to clean up our eating habits, our workout schedules and our surroundings. But what about cleaning up our digital lives? With the average American spending up to 11 hours...
View ArticleOur Favorite Apps for Moms
Is it just me or does the new year seem to hit so fast and so furious? It seems like we went straight from the dreamy magic of the holidays into a full on whirlwind no? At least that’s what’s been...
View ArticleApps You Need to Get Through Jonas
Are you ready for Jonas? We of course are talking about the big winter storm set to hit the northeast – not these Jonases. Officials are recommending you get prepared for the big storm, so in addition...
View ArticleBest Shopping List Apps To Make Life Easier
Does this sound familiar: You’re out running errands or picking up a child from a playdate or afterschool practice and you drive by it – that store that you need that thing from! Except…you can’t...
View Article5 Apps to Help With Back-to-School
How have your kids transitioned back to school? How have you? The early morning wake-ups, the suddenly-filled afternoons, the busyness of balancing homework and sports and activities – getting back to...
View ArticleProtect Your Kids Online With Circle by Disney
Do you know how much time your kids are spending on the family tablet? Or their phones? And is your teen really working on homework on the computer? Or sneaking time on the Xbox when you’re away? As...
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